Product details

Product category / NTC Bare Chip & NTC Thermistor

Automotive Sensor NTC Thermistor

VT series Automotive Sensor NTC Thermistor has characteristics of great stability and good capability of heat cycle, etc., which can meet the needs of various vehicle temperature sensor.

VT 2K051 G B 80C 3435 B -L25 T 5 D3
Product Code Resistance Value R Test Temp. Tolerance Temperature Gradient Test Temperature Beta Test Temperature of Beta Total Length Lead Material Bare Lead Coating Head Dimension

R Test Temp.

VT Series NTC Thermistor 202 20×102Ω F ±1% O -0% 25C 25 3435 A 25℃/50℃ L25: 25mm T Telfon 5: 5mm D5: 3mm
103 10×103Ω G ±2% A -1% 80C 80 B 25℃/85℃ P PVC
203 20×103Ω    
104 10×104Ω H ±3% B -2% 90C 90 4100 C 25℃/100℃ C CP
473 47×103Ω J ±5% C -3% 100C 100 D 50℃/100℃ E Epoxy CP